Thursday, February 09, 2006

Progress? What Progress?

Yesterday five senior officials, including people from GAO, AID and the Iraq Reconstruction Inspector General, reported to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the progress being made with regards to the Iraqi infrastructure. Despite having spent at least $16 billion, the picture does not look good.

Before the war, 2.6 billion barrels of oil were produced daily; as of the end of last year, that number was 2.1 billion. Before the war half the population had drinking water; as of December 31, that percentage was 32%. Before the war 24% had sewage facilities; now it's 20%.

The only improvement was in the availability of electricity outside of Baghdad; they now have 10 hours a day versus 4 - 8 hours previously. However, in Baghdad the situation is worse than before: 4 hours a day today versus 16 - 24 hours previously.

Yes, we eliminated Saddam Hussein. But are we creating more Saddams? When will the costs to the Iraqi people and to this country be recouped and real progress start to be made?

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