Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hang the bastards

My son sent me this clip from CNN.COM. It describes a bunch of true anti-Americans who will invade people's privacy in their most difficult moments, dishonor our soldiers, trash our flag. Why? In their considered opinion God has killed our soldiers in Iraq because he is punishing this country for harboring homosexuals. So, this nasty bunch of idiots appears at the funeral of these guys who have died for us and disrupts the funeral, whether or not the dead soldier was homosexual (as if anybody cares at that point). Their God also told them in the '90s to picket the funerals of those who died from AIDS.

I thank my God for the motorcyclists who are trying to counter the idiots. Talk about the abuse of free speech. Cutting the tongues out of these people would be a fitting punishment.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

We are a strange species, often seeming to group our ideals at the extremes of the spectrum. I don't agree with your considered punishment - though I well sympathize with the reason - and feel the method to deal with such foolish pseudo-religious rantings is to treat them with the disdain they deserve. Obviously, this man and his family hope for some sort of notoriety and choose funerals as the best situation to gain attention. I'm surprised no-one has bashed him over the head with one of his own silly banners before now. If it was one of my relatives being laid to rest, I wouldn't think twice about it.