Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kudos to the Department of Labor

I've had occasion to call the Department of Labor a couple of times this week. It actually was a refreshing experience talking with them.

To begin with they spoke good English. The people with whom I spoke genuinely sounded as though they wanted to help. One of them walked me through their web site. They responded quickly to messages I left.

Maybe once long ago on a far planet there was such a world where people you pay actually did their job enthusiastically, politely and professionally. For a few brief moments that far planet existed in a telephone call. And it was to a government agency not a commercial enterprise


Flimsy Sanity said...

Just cause Reagan said the government was the problem doesn't make it so. I recently tried to call my cable company - what a hassle. My tax supported library works great and although we always complain about schools, they also turn out some brilliant ones along with the idiots (nature or nuture dilemna or if you knew my neighbors you would understand why their son is a hoodlum). I just don't think government is necessarily bad, but it seems so when we turn it over to private enterprise like Blackwater, KBR, Drug companies paying FDA, faith based charity etc.

Anonymous said...

It's such a pleasant surprise when it happens, isn't it?