Friday, July 18, 2008

Questions for the Candidates

Here is a list from Pete Davis:

Q. How many more natural disasters is it going to take before we revitalize FEMA?

Q. How many more food poisonings and tainted drug imports is it going to take before the FDA can protect us again?

Q. When is the EPA going to start enforcing air and water quality standards again? You know something is wrong when an agency is repeatedly sued to get it to enforce present law.

Q. Why didn’t federal financial regulators move in to stop the housing bubble? Or Enron before that?

Q. Why couldn’t the Interior Department collect oil and gas royalties owed? Or keep track of reparations due Indian Tribes?

Q. Why has our nation’s highway, bridge, and rail infrastructure declined to its worst point since the Depression?

Q. How many more failures to move air traffic is it going to take before FAA technology enters this century?

Q. Why did the FAA fail to inspect Southwest Airline planes according to schedule and then punish the whistleblowers who drew attention to it?

Q. When will we ever be able to conduct the census electronically in the country that invented high tech?

Q. When will the government protect sensitive personal information from theft, careless loss, and snoopy State Department Passport Office employees?

Q. When will we stop losing track of our own nuclear weapons?

Q. When will we provide our returning veterans the mental health care they need to reduce their record suicide rate?

Q. Why is K-12 education failing so many students despite No Child Left Behind?

Q. Bottom line: Are we better defended? Is our economy stronger? Has our energy security improved? Are we leaving a better future for our children than we enjoyed?

And you wonder why I'm depressed?

1 comment:

Flimsy Sanity said...

A: Greed
A: Greed
A: Greed

Reagan (actually his handlers cause the guy was an idiot who listened to his wife's astrologer before doing anything)convinced the people that the government was the enemy and that free enterprise would benefit all if only we removed regulation.

Everyone jumped into the market and hoped to make money and not work in the "ownership society" and moved their money out of savings accounts. See it all worked out perfect for the big boys who got it all.