Friday, August 08, 2008

People Are The Same

Even in North Korea. Christian Caryl has a fascinating article about North Korea in the current issue of the NY Review of Books. He argues that the collapse of the state-run food distribution system was the trigger that resulted in many, if not most, North Koreans taking the steps necessary to survive without state support. As a result, there is a fairly decent underground economy that may lead to greater freedom at some distant point in the future.

The government also seems to be doing some things to open the country up somewhat. In 2002 it lifted some price controls and legitimized some private markets. Travel became easier within the country and, for some, across the border into China. In fact, trade with China is booming and, as happens in many cases, this is opening the eyes and minds of many North Koreans to the outside world. Video recorders have become hot items in North Korea, offering still another view of the larger world.

I’m not planning to visit the country soon, but maybe my kids might.

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