Friday, August 22, 2008

Words Without Meaning

I'm indebted to RJ of Sparrow Chat for pointing me to George Monbiot's essay on our missile defense system, although defense is not quite the right word as the system seems built to defend against my missiles and not those of a serious enemy.

Oops, I made a mistake. The system will not protect us against missiles; our tests have involved trying to shoot down only one missile. We have not been very successful in that, we've only knocked down two of the last five we've aimed at in tests. And the word 'test' is probably not quite right, either. We know the missile's target and track and, if decoys are involved, we know all about them as well. Oh, I forgot to tell you that we are trying to knock down only ballistic missiles, cruise misiles are not allowed.

Will McCain or Obama or Congress put a stop to this boondoggle that has cost us billions of dollars? I'm not very hopeful for they would be labeled as traitors.

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