Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bargain Basement Insurance Rates

A couple of days ago I wrote about the problems DoD's Tricore Management Activity is having. The problems were very basic - what do I charge this expense to.

When I wrote that post I did not know that Tricore was the branch that supplies health insurance to the military, with 'military' including retirees as well as those on active duty. Not only does Tricore have problems with basic accounting, it also has problems establishing a fair price for the insurance, particularly when you realize that retirees are covered and someone as young as 40 years old can be covered. The monthly premiums are laughable: $19 for an individual, $38 for a family.

I think my Medicare is a bargain and I'm paying $100 a month. I should have listened to my elders and joined the Army.

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