Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How Well Does Intervention Work?

Now that we have intervened in Libya, it might be a good idea to look back at some other interventions since Vietnam. Micah Zenko does so in Foreign Affairs and concludes that people don't remember interventions as well as they should; in fact, memories are often the opposite of what actually occurred. He lists a few examples.
  • Some claim that the overthrow of Milosevic was the result of NATO air power and the Kosovo Army on the ground. Zenko claims that NATO really had to escalate its air power over Serbia plus Russia's withdrawal of support for Serbia didn't hurt.
  • Others cite the efficacy of a no-drive zone after the first Iraq war. Zenko points out that there was not a no-drive zone established.
  • A no-fly zone protects civilians? Not in Zenko's eyes.

The constant quesion: who do you believe.

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