Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Let’s stop celebrating Veterans’ Day

If we continue to support November 11 as a holiday honoring military veterans, then we should also have holidays honoring many more professions, such as policemen, firefighters, doctors, teachers, etc. Since the advent of our volunteer army in 1973, those in the military profession are there of their own free will. What is it about a military job that makes it deserving of a holiday? Don’t police and firefighters risk their lives protecting us? 

I can understand why we would honor those who were drafted into the military and those military professionals who led these draftees. But why single out for honor people who have not been forced into the military, who wanted to become a soldier, who knew and accepted the associated risks?


R J Adams said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

Standing with the Veteran's today who fought for Mr. DiVitos' right to let spew his opinion. Freedom of speech, one of the greatest rights we have. Standing firm in the knowledge that many don't realize the freedoms they are exercising, came at the cost of our Veteran's. It is a shame but the way it is. Your welcome A-hole.

Meg Gilbert said...

Mr. Devito, your profile indicates a well lived and successful life, congratulations. Your profile also does not share whether or not you served in the military. If you did not, you should keep your opinions about the celebration of Veteran's Day to yourself. You might as well comment on giving birth, something you will never know a thing about.

Please take the time to actually learn about why we do celebrate this day.

You sir, disgrace each and every military person and their families. To VOLUNTEER to serve is as great, if not greater,honor and sacrifice as being drafted.