Thursday, November 17, 2011


Drew Westen thinks that Obama's fundamental management style is delay. Perhaps, not so much delay in making a decision, but in setting a date for when the decision becomes operational. He has a slew of examples in his latest NY Times op-ed: tar sands, budget, health care, etc. He gives two possibilities as explanations of Obama's reason for delay:
the president either doesn’t know or doesn’t want anyone else to know what he believes..... Perhaps the most intriguing thing about an Obama-Romney election would be the question of who could hold out longer without the public discovering what they actually believe.

the president is tied up in the knots of indecision because he lacks the passion that motivates decision-making and distrusts or fears precisely the emotions that allow us to choose between one course of action or another.
Whatever the reason, I hope the Republicans smarten up and choose someone with a brain, a conscience and a sense of responsibility.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

I'm not sure they have anyone with those qualities running for election, Al. With the possible exception of Huntsman. Probably a very good reason why he's down at the bottom of the polls?