Saturday, January 21, 2012

The War on Drugs Kills People

We've seen that Colombia and Mexico are still a prime battlefields in our War on Drugs. But, as these countries try to build more pressure against the drug cartels, the cartels simple move their bases of operations. The upcoming crime meccas are in the "Northern Triangle" of Central America - Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Almost 17,000 people were murdered there last year, most of them by the drug cartels, which have subverted the police forces of these countries so that the people fear the police as much as they fear the cartels.

We've all heard how dangerous Ciudad Juarez in Mexico is. Well, a city in Honduras has overtaken Cuidad Juarez in its violence; 1,148 people were killed in San Pedro Sula last year, about 158 per 100,000 citizens. Things are so bad in Honduras that we evacuated all of our Peace Corps volunteers from the country last week.

Would the Northern Triangle be better off if we legalized drugs in the U.S.A.

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