Thursday, May 17, 2012

Baseball at War

Chief Specialist Robert William ("Bob&quo...
Chief Specialist Robert William ("Bob") Feller, former American League baseball pitcher service in US Navy in World War II. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ted Williams being sworn into the military on ...
Ted Williams being sworn into the military on May 22, 1942. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Yesterday I attended a talk, "Baseball at War", by Chris Martens, a retired ESPN executive.  It was fascinating but, when you compare those war days with the current war days, quite dispiriting.

Everybody from kids to old people was involved with WWII.  We all worked for its success.  Baseball was no exception.  The parks became centers of patriotism selling war bonds, holding blood drives, collecting metals.  The players fought in many battles.  It did not matter whether you were Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, Bob Feller or just an average ballplayer.  You were drafted or volunteered.  And you fought in the war.  There were no exceptions.

Contrast that with today's wars.  Do you know anybody who has fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and who knows where else are troops are?  What sacrifices do we have to make to ensure our success? How united is this country?  How effective are our leaders? Who will write of our decline and fall?

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