Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Do you believe this?

In the world of the Internet and 21st century media it's very hard to determine the truth.  Sometimes it's just a simple matter of different cultures; what's normal here may seem very weird in, for example, China.  Our NYC correspondent sent us a link to a China-based article that sounds weird to this older American. Can you guess what this man is doing?

Supposedly, he is licking the butt of the monkey.  Why?  Well, the article asserts that the man is really a very good guy.  The monkey, which happens to be a rare type of monkey, had swallowed a peanut and became so ill its life was threatened.  The monkey was too small to ingest medicine, so its caretaker took matters into its own hand, rather mouth.  He washed the monkey's buttocks and then proceeded to lick the buttocks for over an hour until the undigested peanut was defecated by the monkey.

Do you believe it?

Maybe the zoo should give the caretaker a raise.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

From the look on its face the monkey seems to be enjoying it.