Monday, May 21, 2012

Looking for ways to cut the federal budget?

All is not well with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.  First of all, it's been unbelievably expensive.  We will wind up spending at least $1.51 trillion on it; that's more than any other weapon in our history.  

The first estimates for the cost of one F-35 were $75,500,000, now the estimate is $160,000,000.  Note the word 'estimates'.  It assumes no major design changes. But the GAO says, "much of its developmental and operational testing remains and the risk of future design changes is significant."  Thus, the chances of higher costs than estimated are quite large, particularly since the GAO also said some critical technologies were "not mature and present significant development risks" and a Pentagon review stated that there were major issues the combined impact of which "results in a lack of confidence in the design stability."

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