Thursday, August 11, 2011

More Outsourcing

I've written a few times about the rise of the private military contractors; they have become a very important component of the U.S. military. Now we are using them in places where our forces are not actively engaged. For example, they are very important in our efforts in Somalia where we are convinced that Al Shabab is a vital threat to our safety here in the States. Of course, we are trying to keep their use confidential, but information is leaking out.

Our contractor here is Bancroft Global Development. Its primary job is to train the Somali forces against Shabab. It appears as though they have done a good job. Now, rest assured that the U.S. has not hired Bancroft; our State Department Africa guy says, “We do not want an American footprint or boot on the ground.” Uganda and Burundi have hired Bancroft. They issue checks to Bancroft every month and every month we find the need to send these countries a check for exactly the same amount as they have paid Bancroft.

And, naturally, our State Department does not know that our CIA is active in Somalia. State is unaware that the CIA is financing Somalia's spies, training Somalia's  CIA and has built a base at the airport and interrogated possible terrorists in Somali jails. Nor is it aware that drones are being used against the Shabab. I'm sure State knows that we will soon be shipping $45,000,000 in weapons to Somalia. 

Is this a smart use of our resources? How big a threat to us does Al Shabab present? Is our activity there making Al Shabab weaker or stronger? What else could we do with the money we are spending there?

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