Thursday, September 01, 2005

Another cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom

It seems as though the White House opposed Louisiana's efforts over the years to secure federal funding to mitigate the damage that might be cause by a severe hurricane. The money not spent in Louisiana was spent fighting to promote democracy in the Middle East.

I wonder which way the Louisiana voters will go in the 2006 mid-term elections.

1 comment:

Al DeVito said...

One of the recent reasons given for not meeting the needs of Louisiana was the budget couldn't afford it because of the costs in Iraq.
This year Louisiana got 1/6 of what they asked for to repair and protect their coast. The budget gives them $540 million over 4 years. The total cost of coastal repair is estimated at $14 billion, or about 25 times the amount granted.
Boondoggles are usually the result of someone's influence, which is usually used not in any sort of rational way.