Friday, September 02, 2005

The Story Gets Worse and Worse

Here are some blunders by our government re the Katrina 'rescue':

  • FEMA refused an offer by Chicago's Mayor Daley "to send hundreds of emergency workers and dozens of pieces of equipment to the area" before the hurricane hit New Orleans.

  • Homeland Security would not allow a "specialized urban search and rescue team from Vancouver" to enter the US.

  • Helicopter rescues were halted for twenty-four hours because of false reports that snipers were shooting at them. The FAA denied that any shots were fired and they control the air space there.

  • The director of FEMA claimed not to know about the thousands at the Convention Center until Thursday. Since Monday, New Orleans radio and television stations had been relaying directions from government officials that people should go to the convention center to get supplies and be evacuated.

  • Black Hawk helicopters scheduled to pick up and drop massive 3,000-pound sandbags in the 17th Street Canal breach were diverted on rescue missions.


Anonymous said...

In the face of such an overwhelming tragedy, I hope it's pardonable...
In the face of such an overwhelming tragedy, I hope it's pardonable if I pass along some good news.
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