Friday, September 09, 2005

Even Powell Tells It As It Is

Tonight on ABC, Colin Powell will speak on many things. Here are some of his comments about Katrina.

  • There had been "a lot of failures at a lot of levels - local, state and federal".
  • There was more than enough warning over time about the dangers to New Orleans. Not enough was done."
  • It "should have been a blinding flash of the obvious... that when you order a mandatory evacuation, you can't expect everybody to evacuate on their own".
Add to the above his embarassment re his UN speech about the weapons in Iraq and you have a man who is once more being himself, rather than a good soldier and agreeing with the party line.


Anonymous said...

Colin Powell is a political hack. He is responsible for Iraq II. He had Saddam Hussein by the the short hairs when Iraq surrendered after Desert Storm. Powell ended the war prematurally, sat on his ass while Hussein to put down the Shi'ite rebellion in the south with ruthlessness. Now this discredited fool is pandering to the liberal democractic fringe.

R J Adams said...

Before commenting on your post, Al, I would like to comment on 'Anon's' response.

Anon: You and your warped thinking are the reason America is in the state it is in today. Your blind, ignorant support for a bunch of criminals who have taken over your country is turning it into the equivalent of a Stalinist State. Colin Powell was the one man with integrity your Administration had and they humiliated him before the United Nations. Little wonder he chose to jump out of the barrel of rotting apples. Not only are the present regime crooks, they are also cowards, which is probably why you support them - like attracts like. You haven't even the courage to name yourself and add identity to the drivel you spout.

Al - I note it was briefly suggested Colin Powell take control of the situation on the Gulf Coast (off-hand, I can't remember by whom). It would, I believe, have been a wise decision had it been carried through, though whether Powell would have accepted such an assignment is debatable - in his position I would probably have refused. It's irrelevent as the offer was, presumably, never made - or maybe it was and Powell only agreed to accept on condition he told the truth about what had happened down there; hardly a condition that would be acceptable to Bush/Cheney & Co.

Anonymous said...

RJ I think your mind is warped by the years spent working in a government birdcage. I didn't expect anything intelligent from a limp wristed girlie man from the UK.

Al DeVito said...

I thought that one of the marks of a man was his willingness to stand up and be counted. Anonymity is not exactly a stand-up position.