Monday, September 12, 2005

A Vineyard Wedding

They came tonight to dismantle the tent. So ends months of planning for the wedding of my youngest son. He was married to the woman of his dreams this past Saturday.

The weather was gorgeous, a really beautiful September day on the Vineyard: sunshine, a cooling, gentle breeze. A contingent of new family, this one from New Jersey. And a reunion of old family, mostly from the great state of Massachusetts. A wonderful meal planned by the bride and groom, with the able assistance of his oldest brother. A peaceful, human ceremony in which the grandchildren participated. A video presentation orchestrated by my wife. Strong support and real, physical help by old friends.

A really nice time. But, thank the Lord, it is over. We can all return to our regular life, knowing we really know how to party.


R J Adams said...

May they live happily ever after. Meanwhile, Al, put your feet up and have a well earned rest.

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear it was such a happy time. Reminds me of Amy's and my Vineyard wedding in 87.