Monday, September 19, 2005

The Constant Gardener

It's possible that the film version of LeCarre's novel will result in a little more attention paid to drug research performed in the Third World. If so, we'll realize a few things:
  • The drugs being tested on people in the Third World are for maladies of people in the developed world.
  • It's estimated that half of the clinical trials are now being performed in developing countries. The reason being it's cheaper and faster.
  • Companies can avoid following FDA requirements such as detailed description of the research, plans for getting informed consent and monitoring the progress of the study.
  • Usually, the FDA does not validate the assertions of the company doing the research in a developing country; they assume the information reflects reality.
  • It's not only drug companies that test new drugs on people in developing countries. The NIH and CDC have also done so.

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

And I guess the folks living in these developing countries are unlikely to have the wherewithal to afford a good lawyer when tests go wrong.