Thursday, September 15, 2005

Cameraman in Iraq

On April 5 Abdul Amir Younes Hussein was shot and wounded by our soldiers while he was working as a cameraman for CBS. Three days later he joined the detainees.

CBS has been trying to find out just why Mr. Hussein was detained. But, as of today, they have been unsuccessful,"no one concerned has been informed of evidence against him".

During these five months the military has changed course with regard to its handling of Hussein. They said CBS could come get Hussein's camera and videotape; then refused to turn it over. They said CBS could submit evidence at a hearing in July; they cancelled the hearing. They turned Hussein over to Iraqi police; when the Iraqis decided to free him, our army put him back in our jail. CBS asked after Hussein's health and was told that the army could not give that information as it was forbidden by a US law to release health information on US citizens. (Of course, Hussein is not a US citizen when it comes to detaining him.)

Is this the kind of government we want?

1 comment:

R J Adams said...

No, but sadly it's the one we've got.