Friday, April 18, 2008

How many would watch?

I guess none of the presidential candidates believe that enough people would watch Science Debate2008 as none of them elected to participate in the debate scheduled for today in Philadelphia. Of course, they are all concerned with our declining predominance in science and technology and all realize the importance of scientific innovation to the future of this country and they've all spoken out about the low scores our students receive in international science tests and.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a sad indictment of all three candidates, and politicians in the western world generally, that this is not an issue that stirs their hearts. Today, politics is all about power and control - feeding the greed of the wealthy and bowing to the whims of the corporates. Short-term gain, rather than long-term investment, is the order of the day. Big Business can make money from the science being researched in Asia. It doesn't need it here in America. It's too expensive. Capitalism has reached its zenith in the west and is imploding on itself.
I'm so glad I'm old.