Friday, April 25, 2008

I hope that there is money for another bottle of champagne

The Navy christened its first littoral combat ship in September 2006. Unfortunately, the launch did not go well as the ship has yet to see service; in fact, it's still in the same spot where the christening took place. This is simply an example of the problems the military has had acquiring new weapons systems.

There have been several problems that have caused the Freedom, the ship referred to above, to stay put for almost two years:
  • For some unknown reason other than blind faith, the Navy decided to build this ship by modifying the design of a high-speed commercial ferry.
  • No one vetted the assumption that such a ferry could be adapted for a new use and whether, if it could be adapted, the adaption could be done on time and within budget.
  • The company selected to build the ship, Lockheed, had never built a ship.
  • This was a cost plus contract so that the final price will be more than double the original. Of course, you and I will pony up the difference.
  • The Navy changed the rules in medias res.
  • Originally, the Navy's oversight of the project was minimal. It later improved but without the benefit of experienced supervisors. Fewer and fewer government employees are trained systems engineers.
  • A misread drawing caused a 6 month delay.

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