Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Changing World

David Brooks has a column I can agree with. He feels that we are in more than a financial change, it is a cultural one as well. He writes of the work of some behavioral psychologists, one of whom, Nassim Taleb, “believes in the existence of [humankind's] inherent limitations and flaws in the way we think and act and requires an acknowledgment of this fact as a basis for any individual and collective action.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Until I read that, I believed everyone was aware of "the existence of inherent limitations and flaws in the way we think and act...". Are there truly those who think they're perfect?

I agreed with Brookes's last line, that says the present crisis is "....a big, whopping reminder that the human mind is continually trying to perceive things that aren’t true, and not perceiving them takes enormous effort."

To not perceive the planet as stable, while human life continues unabated ad infinitum, is taking way too much effort for most people.