Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I did actually doze off after an hour of bromides by both candidates. At least Obama does say a little more than "I'm experienced, therefore vote for me, my friends."

I'm terribly fearful for this country. We have two people who are unwilling to tell it like it is, a Congress that only passes bills if they benefit from them, a judiciary that feels that it knows what was in the minds of people who have been dead for a couple of hundred years, business people who want only to line their own pockets, an economy that's in the toilet and no one has a plunger, media that focuses on inanities, a nation that refuses to look at itself in the mirror. Brrr!

1 comment:

Flimsy Sanity said...

Speaking of sleep, I get way more of it since I gave up hope that anything would change with either whore party or that there was anything I could do to affect any change.