Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A More Effective War on Drugs?

Tons of money is wasted on our War on Drugs and our prisons are filled with people arrested on drug charges. Attention is starting to focus on an alternate way of handling drug addicts. There are now 2,100 courtrooms in this country that have been designated as 'drug courts'.

A drug court aims to work a transformation on addicts who have been arrested for low-level dealing or drug-related petty crimes. The addict's life is supervised by a judge for periods ranging from nine to eighteen months. It takes a very special judge to work with these addicts. But even the best judge in the world cannot prevent about half of those those in the program from dropping out. Yet, the rate of recidivism is reduced enough that the program more than pays for itself.

1 comment:

Flimsy Sanity said...

The drug war is insane and the only solution is to treat drugs like we do tobacco and alcohol. You cannot protect stupid people from themselves.