Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Just Like You And Me? Far From It

The legislative bodies of the United States contain some of the wealthiest people in the world. The 2004 Democratic nominee for president, John Kerry, has a net worth of over $336,000,000. The average net worth of those who represent us is $746,000. 2007 was not a bad year for them as their net worth increased by 13%; since 2004 it has increased by 61%. While attaining millionaire status is not what it was, 39% of our senators have reached that level, only 1% of we voters have.

A few of our leaders are struggling, sixteen reps and 3 senators have a negative net worth. Still it's not a bad job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even those that go in poor, come out rich. I read somewhere that their stock market picks are way better than the average (inside information on advantageous legislation?). It always makes me laugh when they talk about their "public service" like they are just patriots, not pillagers.