Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good Grades Mean More Money

As we know, the No Child Left Behind Law has converted many schools into test-taking factories. The Atlanta schools were really worried that many of their students would have a great degree of difficulty with the standardized tests. So, they figured out a way to ensure high scores.

The teachers reviewed the tests before recording the scores. When they came across a wrong answer, they simply changed it to the correct answer. Or, they made sure that lower-performing students were seated near higher-performing students so that both students would do well on the test; the lower-performing students had very good eyesight. Basically, the school system cheated. And they did it since 2001.

Thus far, 82 teachers and principals have admitted that cheating was rampant. For many teachers, it was a case of cheat or lose your job.

There is something rotten in the state of Denmark.

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