Monday, July 04, 2011

The Pat Tillman Story

It's been a couple of years since this documentary was released. So, I guess it was time for me to see it. 

It is truly a sad story for the family and for America. The family lost a young guy who seemed to be a really good person. The country repeated the Abu Ghraib story - blame anybody for the problem except those in charge. The family had a lot of courage and perseverance. They were able to interpret the redacted information our government gave them. This was no small feat, but as a result they knew the names and places that figured in their son's death and, more importantly to them, those involved in the cover-up of his killing so that his death could be used as a recruiting tool for the military.

The saddest part of the film for me was the Congressional investigation of Tillman's death. The family had taken their questions to many high-ups in the military without getting any satisfaction. When they persuaded Congress to investigate, they thought that finally the truth would be known. Congress questioned Generals Abizaid and Myers and Rumsfeld, none of whom recalled much. The Congressmen simply thanked them and let the matter drop. Those in charge were let off the hook. Who were the Congressmen serving?

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